5 Vegetables In Season for Spring

Spring is here! The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer. It’s time to welcome the new life around us as we prepare a new year’s harvest.

Here are five vegetables to take advantage of this season.

1. Asparagus

These tasty stalks are harvested from late February through June but April and May is when they are at their peak.

Use asparagus to liven up your omelets or steam them alongside your favorite fish.

2. Spinach

Although spinach can be found year round both fresh and frozen, it is grown locally and best fresh between March and June.

Sauté this versatile veg on it’s own or paired with other vegetable combos (like mushrooms and peppers). Try it raw in endless salad combinations.

3. Peas

Peas are a wonderful vegetable used by popping out the individual peas or using the whole pod.

They are a great addition to stir fries and pastas. Pair with herbs and purée them for flavorful sauces or spreads.

4. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as lettuce leaves, kale and Swiss chard make their debut in spring and stick around for summer.

Raw, sautéed or grilled; spring begins the infinite amount of recipes with all these greens.

5. Herbs & Sprouts

Herbs and sprouts are awesome because of how easy they are to grow and maintain. They can be planted in small pots and maintained indoors until the weather is favorable enough for them to be moved outside. This is such a money saver compared to buying the portioned herbs provided at the grocery store.

Fresh herbs can be used to compliment any dish. Lamb and rosemary, salmon and dill or chop and add a variety of them to dips and sauces.