Making a Meal Plan : The guide you need for success

meal planner

Purchasing food to eat is one thing – getting it on the plate is a whole different story. Cooking is quite the production. The setup, prep work, cooking and clean up can take up a lot of time but having some of the work done already can be the lifesaver you need to avoid copping out for take-out. It all starts with a meal plan. I’m real big on planning and let’s face it – plans increase efficiency so more can get done. Even the most successful chefs plan their plates before stepping into the kitchen.

Think of it like this, a meal is created from 90% organization and 10% execution. Being prepared and organized throughout the process will make for better execution and end result. I usually know what is to come in the week ahead in terms of my schedule so I use that and work around it with my meal planning (like choosing quick dishes for busy days).

Why Meal Plan?

  1. Without a plan, there was always the question hanging over my head, “What will I cook?” I eliminated the inevitable with a plan set out for the week of meals allotted for each day.
  1. Once I know what I’m cooking, I know what I need to buy. I spend far less time strolling the grocery store aisles making impulsive purchases.
  1. My shopping list reflects my plan, navigates my purchases and reduces the amount of excess food in my cart. You know, the ingredients bought with good intention but spoil from sitting too long. 
  1. There is no stress in thinking up what to do when you already know what to do. Now I can follow the steps of a plan instead of making decisions on the fly. This makes for a better end result come time to eat.
  1. When I wasn’t prepared to cook it was easier to just “pick something up”. Having a plan eliminates the need to fallback on take-out. Such a money saver!

How To Make a Meal Plan

There are 2 important steps I take before making my meal plan.

  1. I take note of what’s already in my fridge and pantry – what’s gone bad, what’s still good and what do I have to use up right away, etc.
  1. I scroll through my Flipp App and search the week’s flyers to look for sales I can take advantage of. Keep in mind low priced food items at the store typically mean they are coming to the end of their peaked quality period so try not to stock up on too many sale items, as they should be consumed within a reasonable amount of time.

From these two things I can now plan out my meals for the week.

My meal plan usually follows a patterning flow with slight variations from week to week. So even though every Monday is stir-fry night at my house, from week to week I switch up the veg, the protein, the grain, the sauce, etc.

Now That There’s a Plan

Once I know what to make for the week I can make an efficient grocery list and get everything I need in one shot. It’s so frustrating to have to run out because of that one thing that’s missing. The problem is solved when you plan what you need to buy.   

My grocery list notes sale items to take advantage of, the staple items I stock that need to be refilled (like grains, oils, etc.) and anything else I may need to create wholesome meals for the week.

Let me throw in at this point that very rarely does my grocery list resemble entire recipes. Part of planning requires gathering your materials and in the case of cooking, your materials, other than pots and utensils, are food. It doesn’t make sense to constantly be running out every couple of days for more ingredients. A well-stocked pantry will save you time and headache over the tiresome question of “what’s for dinner?”

More To The Plan

Meal planning is an ongoing process and when used effectively can save time and money. Here are some tips to make your meal planning a success:

  1. Providing variation from week to week keeps meals exciting.
  1. Taking account and incorporating what you already have uses up the stuff in your fridge and eliminates waste.
  1. Having your meal plan and grocery list completed before your weekly trip to the grocery store stops time wasted on multiple outings and makes for an efficient run once you get in the store.