Why Drinking Water Is Important To Your Health

drinking water

You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. We need to be drinking enough water everyday to maintain good health.

It’s important to know why we drink water, what it does for our health and how to make sure you are drinking enough of it.

I wasn’t always a water drinker. As a child I had a soft spot for sugary drinks of all kinds. Carbonated drinks were triggers for my IBS and as I approached adulthood, I cut out all carbonated drinks but relied heavily on cans of Nestea for hydration. They weren’t carbonated but man oh man – the amount I drank accumulated crazy amounts of sugar and caffeine in my body.

Somewhere down the road to adulthood I picked up a water bottle and never looked back. It was hard at first to get used to the blandness of it. I fixed this with a combo of added flavors like lemon, cucumber, frozen berries or mint.

Eventually, I became a solid water drinker. Other than milk and the occasional natural fruit juice it’s water all day every day. And I love it!

If you know where I’m coming from, you know how big of a difference your hydration levels make to the rest of your body. If you don’t then allow me to provide the highlights as listed below.

The Top 5 Benefits of Drinking Water

  1. Increases energy levels and brain function
  2. Boosts your immune system
  3. Regulates body functions and lubricates joints
  4. Helps weight management
  5. Flushes out toxins and waste

These are big points here and it’s no wonder why drinking water is so valuable. Our entire body depends on it.

Water flows through our bodies dissolving minerals and nutrients making them more accessible to the body. It carries the nutrients and oxygen to cells throughout the body, promoting all bodily functions and replenishing water lost through urine, sweat and tears. Water maintains movement throughout your digestive tract and helps your kidneys and liver to flush out toxins and waste. From top to bottom, every inch of your body craves water and really can’t live without it.

How Much Water is Enough?

Getting the right amount of water everyday is sometimes a challenge.

It feels easier for me to drink water in warmer weather. I guess it comes from being hot and needing to quench my thirst. I can fly through my daily dose with ease. As the weather cools down, I find it harder to be consistent with my water intake.

I found that information from different professional health sources varied when it came to the ever so popular question, “How much water should I be drinking each day?”

The rule of thumb that most people seem to agree on is 8 cups per day for maintaining good health but age, size, gender and activity level play an important role in providing a more accurate number.

Through self assessment I know that 8 cups are suffice for my needs however I add a couple extra cups on hotter or more active days. My best piece of advice is to assess yourself by listening to your body. You will notice a difference between when you are well hydrated and when your body is crying out for more H2O.

It was easy to tell when I wasn’t getting enough water because I would start to notice the following:

  • Dry mouth, lips and skin
  • Headaches
  • Moodiness
  • Fatigue
  • Constipation
  • Junk food cravings
  • Muscle soreness (more often than normal for my age)

Drink More Water

Here are a few points to consider for optimal water intake:

  • Drink 1 cup within the hour of waking up to get all organs and systems going. It also gives your metabolism a boost.
  • Drink 1 cup a half hour before and after each meal to helps digestion and control calorie intake.
  • Drink before, during and after exercise to replenish water lost through perspiration.
  • Keep a water bottle on hand throughout your day. It needs to be accessible for you to consume.
  • If you feel hungry, drink water first. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger. Downing some water first will confirm if you are really hungry or simply in need of hydration.

Not a Water Drinker?

For some, or maybe more, water is not the beverage of choice.

That was me too, once upon a time. It took time for me to build up my water intake. I was so used to sugary beverages I had to slowly progress to where I am now, a water lover! 

I started by diluting fruit beverages that had no added sugar. For best results on making the switch, work your way up the ratio scale of water to fruit drink.    

Gradually move toward opting for flavoured water. Infuse water with flavors to give a variety of tastes to your drink. Try different combinations with various fruits, citrus and herbs.

I recommend not leaving the flavour components sit too long in the water, they will start to disintegrate and leave floating pieces in your water (which I personally am not a fan of). Ideally, I suggest purchasing a fruit infusion pitcher, which is great for keeping the flavour components separated from the water.